Congressman Joe Wilson's act of lese majeste last night in the face of Obama would ordinarily call for condemnation. But his outburst may be useful in coming to grips with a relatively new phenomenon. I speak of course of the epidemic of Münchhausen's disease among our leaders. We always knew that politicians stretched the truth. Some, like Jimmy Carter seemed to be living in a fictive universe all their own. But since Clinton, our leaders seem infected with this compulsion to blurt out falsehoods that would not fool a toddler, and seem to revel in doing this to our faces, daring us to to gainsay their hubris.
What is one to do when our intelligences are insulted by the very people we elect to handle our business? I suspect that Congressman Wilson felt the blood rush to his cheeks and simply couldn't resist the impulse to utter the terrible truth. The President is a jive merchant, suffering from Münchhausen's syndrome. Obama says things that he, and those he speaks to, both know to be untrue. So how much majesty or respect does he deserve? If he would have the Office of the President respected, he should first respect the dignity of the public and the other two branches of our Republic's government.
So in the health care debate, Obama should consider Joe Wilson's outburst a timely therapy in the President's struggle against the heartbreak of Münchhausen's. Let's all pray for the President's recovery, before we all get sick.
I sense there are a considerable number of us who smiled broadly when Joe felt compelled to so directly confront what was unquestionably a speech filled with fabulisms, large and small.
ReplyDeleteAnd, recall that in his speech (as others have duly noted) President Obama directed a very personal accusation of lying right at Sarah Palin, though not by name. But there was no question that she was the "prominent politician" who he aimed his venom at thusly:
"Some of peoples' concerns have grown out of bogus claims spread by those whose only agenda is to kill reform at any cost. The best example is the claim, made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple."
So, to many, Joe Wilson will become a plain-speaking hero, even to some who will conclude that his outburst, from a strictly parliamentary perspective, has to be viewed (or at least spoken of) as a bit of a fumble.
Well, then so should Obama's comment. Only he has refused to apologise. That is NOT the Chicago way, don't you know! He only apologises on behalf of our country when speaking to foreigners on their soil!
One thing seems certain, however. The old, tired Republican way, the overly courtly, "honorable" way of acknowledging, even openly saying that every vile, twisted element of an opponent's verbal attack, must have surely been intended as a public-spirited expression, regardless of how inadvertently mistaken it may have been -- that way has taken a hit!
Hopefully, that practice was given a good swift kick in the pants last evening. It is nothing but a clear indication of cloying and repugnant cowardice on the part of its practitioners.
Apparently we are not alone.
ReplyDeleteWell, this ought to shake up some of the deadwood courtly types!