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I am retired from government, law enforcement, politics and all other pointless endeavors. I eat when I am hungry and sleep when I am tired.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


I am not easily shocked.  Congressmen declaring an elected President illegitimate does it.  Can they mean us to take them seriously?  If so they are declaring civil war.  The same goes for declaring that the sitting President is a knowing agent of a foreign power. 

What this proves to my mind is that both the hostile elites and their colleagues in the establishment press have simply given up on rational argument.  Proof is no longer necessary when you can just calumniate enemies with conspiracy fantasies.  Holding such fantasies is embarrassing, pretending they are solid news while perpetuating them without proof is an offense.  Simply put, this is political warfare.   

The establishment press has always had its own biases.  The passing of the last old New Deal journalists, their replacement by lefty Baby Boomer  hacks and now their transmission of control to spoiled ignorant activists got us here.  I can't help loathing and pitying these smirking, self-assured JSchool empty suits.  They are cutting off the branch upon which they sit. They are bringing forth a journalism sans rational, logical testing.  And what is journalism without some reflective modesty?  Such "Journalism" is mere propaganda.  As we can see every night on CNN and MSNBC etc., you don't need to be smart or talented to do it.

It would be entertaining to see them fall in the collapse they are causing except that they may fall on MY head.

The delusional, irresponsible verbiage we hear from The Congress comes most from the minority Democrats who have never been held to account by their party for their enormities of both corruption and inanity. Now there are too many of them to deny or correct. Like the false journalists, they are too stupid to understand that by turning a branch of government into their publicly funded racket, they destroy the only thing that gives them any stature.  When they push the nation into crisis, who do they think will protect them?     

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